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Summer Camps
Registration is open!
Scholarship recipients- All scholarship recipients are required to verify their scholarship award upon online registration by providing contact information (name and number/email) from the individual that awarded them the scholarship. Deep Portage will be working with the sponsors to double check scholarships weekly to verify they are correct. Any incorrect scholarships will be immediately revoked, returned back to the sponsor, and your $100 camp deposit will NOT be reimbursed.
Deep Portage offers a wide variety of summer camps to suit almost any interest. Whether a child is interested in fishing, hunting, canoeing, or expanding their scientific horizons, we have a camp for them. Campers learn a lot, have fun, make new friends, and grow in their appreciation for all the Minnesota great outdoors has to offer. All camps offered are overnight style.
Camp scholarships are available; we would love to help get your camper here to Deep Portage. Call 218-682-2325 or email for more information.
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